
Porta Nigra 介紹

20160407 Porta Nigra@4P, 拉丁文的Black Gate, 現仍存留的古羅馬城門,在今德國特里爾境內的地標,1986年被聯合國定為世界文化遺產。Wolfgang Kramer & Michael Kiesling老拍檔2015最新作, 各方面都有Palace of Cararra的影子。遊戲以建築四個大建築物為主,以不同顏色的磗(似榙)為材料,每次由二選一的行動咭決定二至三個相關行動,在版圖四個區域去建造該建築物及爭取最大控制范圍。創意度不足但配件及畫功及行動選取機制補充下仍是值得一玩。

Palmyra 規則clarification

Palmyra 規則clarification

1) 放牌係唔一定要match landscape或 feature, 可以只放作駁腳之用,當然唔match就不能取tile或錢
2) 關於放tiles時如何取tiles, designer親自答番, 應該係一次過放哂再計算每一塊tiles與鄰近tiles的相關而一次過計算所獲tiles, 而計錢也一樣
3) 如果有Caesar,及之前已有貢物即(已反為錢), 係先計算Caesar bonus, 後再計貢物的錢
4) "conquer ... you always place the next land tile so that it is adjacent to a tile where your legion is currently located", "revenue ... Place the land tiles exactly in the same way as in conquer action but now you move your censor"(我理解為for revenue, place the next land tile so that it is adjacent to a tile where your censor is currently located" 咁應該解釋咗點解要re-organize,同埋點解行先有著數。應該只可以逐歩移
5) 若放feature tile 時,只可放總數兩張,而其中只有一張係feature